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About Healing Vibes Retreat
Our Story

Amidst a community grappling with mental health, addiction, chronic illness, and the shadows of cancer, Healing Vibes Retreat emerges—a vision transcending traditional healing, inviting everyone to embark on a transformative journey towards self-realization and empowerment.

Inspired by the Energy Enhancement System™ and the impact of scalar technology, Michelle Perrier answered a global call to bring transformative energy to her community, united with Unifyd Healing and American visionary Jason Shurka.

Michelle's story begins with a unique backdrop—a campground owner who understood the value of community, trust, and the immense potential within each individual. During the COVID-19 challenges, she fearlessly shared insights, finding strength to stand by her convictions. Healing Vibes Retreat is born from the belief in inherent human power, a space where true healing is guided by love, light, and respect.

Opening its doors, Healing Vibes Retreat is more than a space—it's a narrative. A story of alternative healing paths, harnessing inner power, and contributing to collective awakening. In a chaotic world, it's a beacon radiating warmth, inviting all to the journey of love, light, and self-realization. Beyond a brand, it's a story of hope, resilience, and the transformative power within us all.

Meet The Owner

Hi, I am Michelle Perrier, formerly Sauve, and I was born in Timmins, Ontario, Canada. My life's joy revolves around my marriage to my best friend, Denis Perrier, and our pride in parenting two beautiful girls, Janelle and Julie.

Our journey took a significant turn with the recent sale of our cherished campground, The Cache, after 23 incredible years. From our humble beginnings as campers in 2000 to becoming campground owners, we forged lifelong friendships and created lasting memories, turning it into our family sanctuary.

Reflecting on our time in Timmins, I fondly recall the vibrant community we nurtured, akin to being the mayor of our own little city. Supporting our campers brought immense joy and fulfillment to our lives.

While parting with the campground was bittersweet, it marked the beginning of my husband's retirement and ignited my passion for helping others. Being naturally drawn to people, I thrive on connecting with individuals, offering support, and being a steadfast friend.

Friendship holds profound value in my life, and I deeply believe in the inherent worth of every individual. Advocating for love, respect, and the power of listening, I am committed to providing a nurturing environment for healing and self-discovery.

I am excited to embark on this transformative journey with you, guiding and supporting you as you uncover your inner strength and unleash your full potential.

Everyone Deserves The Opportunity To Become A Better Version Of Themselves.

“I want to provide a safe place for people to experience their true inner strength in a peaceful, harmonious setting, filled with love and light.”

- Michelle Perrier

Our Vision

A world where every individual has the opportunity to embrace their inner healing power, leading lives filled with vitality, peace, and love.

Our Mission

To create a radiant beacon of holistic wellness that empowers individuals to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate their mind, body, and spirit.

Our Commitment

We are wholeheartedly committed to creating a serene healing sanctuary, ensuring that every person who leaves our retreat carries with them the essence of love and inner strength, knowing that they are healing from within.

Our Core Values

We believe that love is at the core of all healing. Love for oneself, for others, and for the world is the foundation of our approach.


We aspire to illuminate the path to well-being, bringing clarity, positivity, and hope to all who seek our services.


Every individual's unique journey is non-negotiable. We value diversity and inclusivity, treating everyone with honor and understanding.


Harmony is our guiding principle, uniting mind, body, and spirit for inner and outer balance.


Unity is the thread that weaves us all together. We embrace the unity of humanity, recognizing that we are all connected on this journey.


Relax, Recharge, Rejuvenate At Healing Vibes Retreat

Pre-book your retreat now and enjoy our pre-opening special discounts!

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